Thursday, November 22, 2012

Pearl Harbor

Overall, Germany was very successful with the overtaking Europe. This gave Japan a good chance to overpower the European countries in Southeast Asia. The Japanese started to invade, and the United States, being a big part of trade with Japan, cut off all trade between them. Most of Japan’s oil came from the United States, so in reaction to the Japanese invading some the countries in Northeast Asia, Japan sent a fleet of planes to attack the Pacific Fleet located at Pearl Harbor. This attack happened on the morning of December 7, 1941. The United States’ mainland received word of this attack before it happened, but it took too long for the word to spread to Hawaii because they did not have as good of a communication system as we do today. If the Pacific Fleet in Pearl Harbor received word of this attack on time, they could have had a fighting chance. 
They believe the Japanese made a surprise attack on them with the first wave consisting of about 200 Japanese fighter planes. These fighter planes were called “Zeros” by the Americans because they had red dots on the side and wings representing the Japanese flag. Some of the fighters were made Kamikaze’s by the order of Japan. These airplanes would fly straight into their targets and take and take out many people in the process. The planes would either explode on impact or crash and the pilots would survive and be prisoners. Being a Kamikaze was a huge honor for the country and the Japanese said goodbye to their pilots because they knew they would die. These Kamikaze’s and Zeros attacked all the American aircraft carriers sitting in the harbor and the airfields on the islands. The second wave of Japanese fighter planes came not long after the first and continued the destruction of Pearl Harbor. Both of the waves took out most of the ships that were anchored in the bay. 
The most noticeable of the ships that sank was the USS Arizona. A bomb hit this ship and killed 1,177 officers and crewman that were on the ship. Just this one sinking of the ship accounted for about half of the Americans that died that day. The ship is still sunk and slowly leaking some of its 1.5 million gallons of oil. The Americans thought the Japanese made a surprise attack on them, so the United States and Great Britain declared war with Japan, Germany, and Italy. This attack on Pearl Harbor was considered the turning point in the war.


  1. It would be so crazy to know that an attack was coming, but not being able to spread the word quickly enough to try and prevent it. I had no idea that Japan used more than 200 fighter planes and then there was a second wave that came through. I think it would be a really cool, but mournful at the same time, monument to visit. Also it's crazy to find out that more than half of the deaths that occurred were because a bomb hit this ship. I feel so bad for the families that lost loved ones. I'm glad America joined the war once this happened.

  2. I think that this attack was a huge turning point in the war. I also feel for the families losing loved ones. Growing up in Hawaii we did a lot of studying on this topic as well. Every year when we did history day, this was the most popular topic. Also during this attack my grandparents lived on Oahu on the north shore in a small plantation town named Waialua. They actually saw the Japanese fighter planes as they made their way to Pearl Harbor. Also I for myself I have actually been to the memorial. I got sort of a eerie feeling as I saw each drop of oil make its way to the surface.

  3. I could only imagine how helpless they felt, know that the attack was going to happen, but because of their lack of technology advancements, the notification could not reach Pearl Harbor soon enough. I don't think I would have the mindset to be a kamikaze, even if it was honorable. 200 fighter planes is a lot to stand against, and that would be absolutely terrifying to watch them coming at you. And that was only the first part of the attack. I think it would be amazing to visit the Pearl Harbor memorial, and I will do so, if I'm ever in Hawaii.
